Fill out the form below the instructions and click on “submit” to have your request entered into our NCOA queue
Steps to receive your state’s voter registration data with the National Change of Address data
- You will need to fill out two documents (Cause of America has contracted with MK Analytical for the NCOA):
- (REQUIRED) A Liability Agreement that you, as an authorized member or representative of your group or organization, must sign to move forward.
- This can be downloaded here: Cause of America Non-Liability Agreement
- (REQUIRED) A Processing Acknowledgement Form (PAF) is now required for any data that is run through a National Change of Address Update.
- This is a link to the USPS PAF processing guide that explains why it is needed and how to fill it out: A Complete Guide to Processing PAFs
- You will need to fill it out, as a representative of the Organization that owns the List (Top Section), then print it out, sign it, and date it. Then scan it and email it back to us.
- We also recommend you save a physical copy and an electronic copy for your records.
- This can be downloaded here: MK Analytical PAF
- (REQUIRED) A Liability Agreement that you, as an authorized member or representative of your group or organization, must sign to move forward.
- (REQUIRED) A Valid Email Address needs to be included. Once the PAF is submitted an email will be sent to the Valid Email Address to verify all is correct in the PAF document. Once you respond it will be automatically accepted and verified. We will then have the ability to process your data.
- (REQUIRED) The Post Office requires a physical address, a PO Box or PMB are not valid entries according to USPS.
- (REQUIRED) The North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) Code needs to be included. The NAICS code must be the 6-digit code which can be determined here depending on the List Owner Organization or Entity type: 2022 NAICS CHANGES | NAICS Association
- The most common ones used by our State Partners in this are:
- 813319 – Community Action Advocacy Organizations
- 813410 – Civic Associations
- 813940 – Political Organizations
- Recommended to go with 813319 or 813410. Keep the word Political out of it
- The most common ones used by our State Partners in this are: