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Hand Counting Estimator for Same Day Election Results

Election Type/Date

Enter Shift and Team Preferences

Same Day Results based on Averages

Enter # of persons on each hand count team
# Individual Counters needed, unless some work more than 1 shift
Enter preferred # hours for shift-length of teams
# of teams/shifts to cover
Enter estimate of # of ballots to be counted per hour
Average # hours to complete *IF* only one team used to count ballots at each location
Anticipated # ballots to be cast (based on historical voter turnout averages)
# Counting Locations (ie., polling places, precincts, etc.)

How are there enough people to count the ballots?

Enter # of Registered Voters in Jurisdiction
Percentage of registered voters needed to hand count the election

Enter Hourly Rate

Labor Cost Estimate based on Average

Enter hourly rate paid to hand counters
Labor Cost for Hand Counters (based on per ballot cast cost below)
Estimated cost per ballot cast for hand counting expenses (other than labor)
Labor Cost for Hand Counters per Ballot Cast
Precincts or Polling Places may be renamed or reorganized in different years. The year-to-year data on the following pages may not represent the same polling place or precinct.
Ballots Cast and Suggested Schedule of Teams/Shifts (T/S)
< 100
1 T/S regardless of ballot-per-hour estimate
101 - 200
1 T/S regardless of ballot-per-hour estimate
201 - 400
2 T/S @ 50 ballots/hr; 1 T/S @ 100 ballots/hr
401 - 800
Up to 4 T/S @ 50 ballots/hr; 2 T/S @ 100 ballots/hr
> 800
Same as above + 1 T/S for every addl 200 ballots cast
Schedule multiple teams to double, triple, quadruple, etc., # of ballots counted per hour based on polling place averages on the following pages.
Enter locations where ballots are cast (ie., polling place, precinct)
Enter Ballots Cast per Election
Similar Elections in previous years
Average # Ballots Cast at Location
Ballots per HR
Hour Shifts
Hours to Count # Shifts # Counters
0 0 0 0
Rounded Up 0 0 0
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4-Person Counting Team Schematic

Estimated Square Footage Needed

80 sq.ft. per Counting Team using a single 8ft x 3ft table
100 sq.ft. per Counting Team using a two 8ft x 3ft tables pushed together

Room Size Examples

600 sq. ft
Room that is 20 feet by 30 feet
1,600 sq. ft
Room that is 40 feet by 40 feet
3,200 sq. ft
Room that is 80 feet by 40 feet
5,000 sq. ft
Room that is 100 feet by 50 feet
7,200 sq. ft
Room that is 120 feet by 60 feet